
build the infrastructure of trust.

With many AdTech intermediaries between publisher and advertisers, the content owners have always been at the far end of the food (aka $) chain. It’s no secret that intermediaries nibble away every penny that belongs to publishers despite the fact the audience belongs to the publisher. It’s the content that drives in audience. This has also led to beating down of publisher revenue at every instance. With coming of audience focussed CDP & data sciences, publishers are coming back to the centre stage. This is important for brand value retention, engagement and monetization.

are you losing over audience engagement?
Data & CDP

Publisher’s data strategy involves engagement and monetisation aspects. The audience engagement defines the depth and breadth of the user experience. Quality engagement further provides media-sell opportunities.A data strategy ...


CDP can be targeted for optimising DFP, Header bidding systems or SSP. The Surge Engine which comes as an out of the box with CDP can work to provided offline recommendations for configurations or integrate with...


User engagement can be attained through clear access for the relevant content at all given times. A good placement of content can improve engagement by over 3x session time and reduce bounce rates to less than 25%.

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