cdp cloud
Bring CRM closer to your marketing cloud
In-housing has a lot of versions and generally it is explained in terms of operational effectiveness and owning of IPR. We define and are proponents of in-housing where the control of data & logic of the data strategy and activation channels are in the hands of the marketer. Operations can be made fairly easy depending on the kind of campaigns that needs to be managed.
A CDP needs to be in-housed for a lot of reasons. The 3 most compelling reasons that we can say are:
  • owning a cdp can help formulate an effective data strategy and protect data at the same time. With ever changing data availability scene and data regulation perspective this becomes a very important aspect. 
  • A CDP is an effective tool beyond managing frauds to countering frauds. 
  • A CDP can help bring the TCO of data and media down for an effective and sustainable ROI.
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